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If you have comments, please feel free to leave them on the posts. However, if you wish to contact Ms. White or Mr. Johnson, kindly use the following e-mail addresses -

Thursday 18 September 2014

Ebola Update

 A reminder that Ebola isn't the only 'bad guy,' lack of education is too.

Ebola team found dead

Link to UN Country List

The following is a link to the list we discussed today. Please fill in the country you were assigned today.

Monday 15 September 2014

The UN Charter

Here it is, in all its glory!

International Day of Peace - September 21st

If you want to know more, click here.

Research Binder Information

We came across this whilst preparing a list of criteria to assess the success of your Research Binder. Feel free to peruse at your leisure.

Click here.

UN News

Here is the link to the UN News Centre - UN News Centre

It can serve as a useful resource, among others!

Welcome to the ASA's Model UN site!

We'll use this to keep up to date on the goings-on of our group.